If You Dream It, You Can Be It!

Successful Life Mindset show

Summary: Podcast Note: Podcast name has changed to The Successful Life Mindset See “The Lamp” for free! Three movies for today’s podcast discussion: Adjustment Bureau The movie has several good life principles.  Two of them are: Can you choose your own destiny or do angels/agents jump through hoops to keep you on track? And what you want most will not just happen, what are you willing to do to make it happen? Cliff told of his pastor using odd “tweets” (from twitter) as examples of how silly people can be.  When he used the tweet “If I can dream it, I can be it” and said he didn’t believe it, both Cliff and his wife looked at each other with disbelief.  He was right to a point, we can’t just sit and wait for things to happen in our lives, we must make them happen, but with the help of God and the abilities and dreams and visions He’s given each of us, we can make it happen if we believe and do something to achieve those dreams. Tracy quoted two quotes from Napoleon Hill that apply well to this truth: “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” “Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.” Tracy talked about how the subconscious is at work 24/7.  He said one way he gets ideas is to think about how something he’s working on might work, be it a script or some problem he is dealing with, before he goes to sleep.  The brain, the subconscious, continues to work on the issue and when he wakes he often has ideas that may lead to the answer. Both Tracy and Cliff recommend the movie “Adjustment Bureau”. Arthur (the remake) An entertaining movie, but it also provides truth in living.  A super crazy rich man is totally irresponsible.  He goes through life without any positive influences.  Finally, his mother decides enough is enough and chooses a girl for Arthur to marry because the girl will straighten up his life.  Arthur puts his foot down and refuses to marry the girl because he realizes he is in love with someone else.  He decides he is willing to give up all the money to be with her.  He finally gets his life priorities right! There is a danger in life when no one will say NO to you because you are so rich or so famous.  You shouldn’t surround yourself with people that want to say yes to garner your continued favor, but with people that will tell you the truth. Another pastor, from Nashville, said he knew many very famous people.  People most people would say, “I’d give anything to have what they have”, but strangely enough, they say to him that they would give anything to have what he has.  If you focus on what you have instead of who you are, you are not happy. Cliff also told about a new podcaster that approached him for consulting because things weren’t going well.  He was threatened with a lawsuit, he had ugly emails, the works.  Cliff asked him about his family, and the man responded he didn’t have time to work on family issues right now, that he needed to get the podcast going and then things would fall into place.  Cliff eventually helped the man realize that when his family life was going well, the podcast would also start going well.  When the man focused on his health and family instead of the money, the priorities were fixed and the podcast went on to be successful. Tracy talked about the left-brain/right-brain exercises.  Stepping first on the right foot, then the left foot exercises both sides of the brain.  His blood pressure was a little elevated and his doctor recommended that he start jogging.  It wasn't easy at first, but he stuck with it and his blood pressure numbers improved dramatically.  We need to keep our bodies in shape and our brain in shape.  Getting our priorities in the proper order will help with both. The Lamp Tracy’s latest movie, "The Lamp" is a family-friendly film.  It will be released for on-demand viewing on September 20, 2011.