Help Others First

Successful Life Mindset show

Summary: Podcast Note: Podcast name has changed to The Successful Life Mindset. Help Others First Our podcast is to talk about life’s principles, our loves and passions, and movies.  We’re not trying to be movie critics.  Every movie has a message.  What we do is talk about the message, theme, and/or lesson of certain movies we’ve watched and apply them to our lives. Cliff has become more in tune to looking for the message and what principles he can pull out of the movies he watches.  The subconscious is now looking for these messages for lessons that can help present new opportunities when applied to his life. Inspirational Quote of The Day 1 - Want vs Desire First quote for today is from Tracy Trost:  “The difference between want and desire is want gets you a job, desire prefers the dream.” Desire is that thing that makes you think, “If I could only do this one thing”.  Your desires define you.  For Tracy, becoming a movie director was his desire and for Cliff it was becoming a full-time podcaster.  They now both live their dream.  Desire takes you through the hard times while want may get you the paycheck, when you hit hard times you aren’t happy. Cliff has an acquaintance that had a desire, a passion, to make a living surfing.  He was excellent, got sponsors, and entered contests.  He is now living on an island.  The owner of a surf shop needed help with media marketing strategy.  The man was willing to help him and now makes a living by podcasting, blogging, and doing media marketing strategy work, about surfing – living his dream. Inspirational Quote of The Day 2 - Help Others! Today’s second quote is, “The best way to fulfill your dreams and desires is to help others fulfill theirs.” We need to help someone else that is living our dream or a part of our dream and volunteer.  Others will see your passion and eventually opportunities will present themselves.  You can’t sit back and wait for something to happen. Cliff gave another example of helping others.  He received an email from a man, Daryl Tatt, from the United Kingdom, with a lot of positive remarks about the Podcast Answer Man.  Daryl is encouraged by what he hears.  Another man emailed Cliff with a list of suggestions for improving Cliff’s website.  Cliff had no time to complete the list and would have to hire some of the items out.  He mentioned the things on the list to Daryl, who happened to have done that type of work before moving on to an accounting position.  Daryl offered to do the work Cliff needed free of charge, but Cliff was hesitant.  He said Daryl might be upset if Cliff didn’t feel the graphics work wasn’t what he was looking for.  Daryl said that was okay.  They Skyped for a couple of 90-minute meetings.  Cliff was so impressed by Daryl’s work; he told Daryl he would be sending him one to ten clients a month.  That is exactly how the formula works – help others first. Cliff talked about a client with a company website that needed changes.  Cliff worked with the client’s team about 20 minutes.  They knew exactly what to do, but vacation time arrived before the changes were implemented.  When they got back, they couldn’t remember everything, so there was another 20-minute meeting.  The changes went live, but things didn’t work.  They called Cliff and he worked on the problem immediately.  It turned out the people that attended the meetings didn’t give him some information that made a difference and he failed to ask if there were files or applications that would cause conflict.  It took about 90 minutes and the site was working properly.  He told the client he would only charge for the meetings, not the fix because he should have asked more questions.  Tracy agreed, people must do what they say and take responsibility to fix it if it needs it.  We live by God’s rules and God’s word says we reap what we sow. Question From A Listener Cliff played an audio podcast question from Fred in Long Island,