Big Decisions To Drive Your Life Part 1

Successful Life Mindset show

Summary: Podcast Note: Podcast name has changed to The Successful Life Mindset. Big Decisions to Drive Your Life – Part 1   This week and next week, we will be discussing the Andy Andrews book, “The Traveler’s Gift:  7 Decisions to Personal Success”.  Our lives are what we make of them.  Our life is a culmination of the decisions we’ve made.  We fall into the “victim mentality” and blame our circumstances for our lives, but when circumstances put us in a place that is difficult and unwanted, it is up to us to react or respond.  We get to choose how we respond to the adversity in our lives.  Sometimes it’s easy to allow fear of the unknown to put us back into the old mentality, but we need to take ownership of our choices. #1 – The Buck Stops Here – Adversity is the Preparation for Greatness. Don’t take adversity as a bad thing.  It can lead to greatness.  It depends on our response to each trial or adversity that comes into our lives.  Learn from it.  Grow. #2 -- I Will Seek Wisdom – I will Choose My Friends with Care. Look at five of your closest friends and decide if they are or are not where you want to be in five years.  If they are a negative influence in your life, change your friends.  Tracy’s definition of worry is believing the worst will happen, while his definition of faith is believing the best will happen.  Surround yourself with people that are like-minded and that share your goals and will be positive and a source of encouragement to you. Proverbs 15:22 “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.” When our task list isn’t completed, it’s often because we fill our days with busy work.  We need to prioritize our tasks and focus on the most important tasks first.  You achieve in life only what you plan to do.  Cliff plans his dreams for today as well as his long-term dreams.  To work toward his daily dream, he evaluates the things on his task list, starts with the important and urgent, and works his way down to the not important and not urgent.  Organization is important. The old adage, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.” is very true. #3 – I am a Person of Action – I Can Make a Decision and I Can make it now. It’s very important when we make a decision to stick to it until we learn if it was the right decision or not.  If it was not, then learn from it, make adjustments, and move forward.  When asked if he ever felt like a failure when attempting to create the first light bulb, Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”  Tracy and a friend would go bow hunting for deer each year, Tracy would bag a deer, and his friend wouldn’t.  Tracy noticed that his friend always waited for the perfect shot.  If he was ready to shoot and the deer moved, even a little, the man would stop and realign the shot or wait longer hoping the perfect shot would present itself.  Finally, Tracy told him to just let go of the arrow.  The shot would hit the deer, even if it wasn’t perfect, just let go.  Life is like that.  If you never let go, you’ll never achieve your goals. Things to remember Take responsibility for your life. We need to respond, not react. Prioritization and Organization are essential. Let Go of the Arrow. Contact Cliff and Tracy Cliff can be reached at – Send Email • • 859-795-4067 Tracy can be reached at – Send Email • • Listen to the podcast live on Thursdays at 1pm CST at If you would rather read a summary of each podcast, you can do so on our site here: Remember, live your life to its fullest potential! Special Offer: Get The Lamp Pack for only $20 that's more than 50% off the regular price! Just CLICK HERE!