Self Sabotaging Mindsets

Successful Life Mindset show

Summary: Podcast Note: Podcast name has changed to The Successful Life Mindset. Self-Sabotaging Mindset   Cliff recorded a huge change to his podcasting line-up.  He examined his podcasts and his motivation for each one of them; he ended or is ending many of them this week.  Some had simply run their natural course, others he started for certain reasons but those reasons have changed and still others he only kept going because he wanted to be the best, have the most, say I can.  After reading a book, “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss, and thinking about things God put on his heart, Cliff decided many of his podcasts were busy work rather than helping him to move forward toward his personal and business goals for the future.  When you find yourself doing busy work, change your work pattern.  Cliff wants to put in writing, a formal mission statement, a list of core values and a list of goals to help with his future business decisions. Write Down Your Vision and Your Goals Written down and firmly entrenched in your mind, you will be able to decide quickly if new opportunities are in-line with your values and goals.  Just because an opportunity presents itself doesn’t mean it must be taken.  If there is no passion for something, don’t do it.  Before you do commit to something be sure you understand what you are committing yourself to and remember nothing is forever, other than the unconditional love of God.  Don’t be afraid to commit to something because you may not want to do it forever.  Stepping into the unknown brings fear, but it also presents the opportunity for unlimited possibilities. What are You Programmed to Believe? Cliff has been reading a book by T. Harv Eker, “The Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset”.  It has changed his way of viewing things in life.  The way we think about things is primary based on our programming and our modeling of that thing.  Programming might be how our parents viewed that thing, how our friends or co-worker view that thing.  Modeling is how we saw others act based on their beliefs about that thing.  Often our programming comes from the view people have based on their fears. An example Cliff used was how he thought about being rich.  His programming told him money is evil, rich people take advantage of other, less fortunate people and if you try to be rich, it’s because you don’t trust God.  These are all normal programming ideas of the lower to middle-class mindset of the rich. What Do You Really Believe About This? Tracy said we all act and react to things based on our programming, but we must stop and ask ourselves – what do I really believe about this.  You mind knows the real answer and it will eventually tell you if you let it.  Once you get past the beliefs of others on a certain thing, you can form your own thoughts about it.  We are not our job and/or our accomplishments.  Who we are has to start from the inside; in our minds, in our hearts and in our relationships with spouse, family, co-workers, friends, and others. How Do You Move Forward In the Face of Fear? Tracy read an email from a listener.  She said she listened to Tracy telling about his three key steps to success and finally she gets that, but when she asked herself did she really believe she could do what she is driven to do, the answer was no.  She felt she wasn’t qualified.  To become qualified, she took that next step and got training.  She still feels fear about being able to do it.  Her question is, “How do you learn to feel the fear, but still move forward?” Tracy and Cliff agree the biggest lie is you are the only one with this problem.  Many people have the same issues while working toward success.  If the passion is there, you will keep moving forward and the passion will be strong enough to conquer the fear.  Not that the fear goes away, because when one goes away another will take its place at your next level of success, but that you will get through the fear.