New SEO Services

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services is known for providing quality SEO services, and recently it has migrated two new additions to its family of products.Check out the latest additions to SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services.wistiaEmbed = Wistia.embed("rxfqnhp8l3");In this episode:00:15 - SEO jobs are now color coded 00:43 - Sites with previous bad link history 01:21 - These are generally new sites 01:54 - The healthiest sites 02:15 - Reputation management now under SuperFastBusiness Traffic Service 02:41 - Implement Own The Racecourse with the new Short Video Pack 03:35 - SuperFastBusiness provides content Choose the best SEO serviceUnique, quality content made just for you  James Schramko here with some SEO news.  I’m going to tell you about some changes we’ve made with our color code line up and also we’ve made two significant changes to our branding.  I’m just going to show you where you can find the new services. Which color code applies to your site? So we now have a color code system for all of our jobs.  From doing all of our website checks, what we found is websites generally fall into one of three categories.  We have the red, yellow and green.  So now we actually classify this when we do a report.  We can also code each of our accounts with that color code so if you have a job at the moment, you can ask which color code will apply to you. I’ll give you a brief description of it now. There are red sites which have had some previous bad link history.  This is the most common type of site we get when someone’s new to us but has been doing work somewhere else.  Unfortunately, they’ve had some shoddy links from cheap forum post or profiles or they’ve had directory submissions or they’ve had some really low quality company generating spam links for them.  Sometimes, these domains are going to need substantial work, they may need some links disavowed.  You may even need to change domains at some point with very careful redirects.   If you have a red site, then we will let you know that and we will also make sure to send you to the right place where you get some help with that. If you have a yellow site, that’s generally a new site.  Now, it’s good that we know that it’s got a very low link profile like almost no links to it because with the penguin filter, it’s very sensitive to anchor text.  Too many good links can actually damage your site so what you need is a very broad mix of link IP’s and also the anchor text should be mixed up. Make sure that it’s never more than a few percent saturated for any of the phrases. If you have a yellow site, it just means that we have on the kid gloves and we’re being very careful with it. If you have a green site, it means you have a good history, you’ve got lots of backlinks, you’ve got a really good mix of anchor text and your site is going to get the very best results from us in the shortest possible time because we can instantly move into really good quality, highly relevant category-themed links.  So that’s our new color coding system. New and simplified structural changes for our customers In other news, we sat down with the team last week and have made some big structural changes to make your life easier.  We used to have our own separate reputation management product.  But we’ve now brought that in under SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services. It’s called Reputation Repair and there’s an analysis there.  If you have a reputation issue or you need help with repairing a bad reputation, fill out the reputation analysis on SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services. We also had another product out there which was designed to help you implement what I call Own The Racecourse which is what we do for our SuperfastBusiness site.  We’re actually putting out rich media all the time. Video, audio, bullet points and images.  That product is now called the Short Video Pack and it’s on SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services as well.