James Schramko And Mike Cowles Share Their Product Creation Practices

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Photo creditDiscussed in the podcast:02:13 - How to avoid unfinished products 03:55 - Keeping it short 06:36 - Make it clear what you're teaching 07:41 - A course planning structure 09:15 - Tools of the trade 12:01 - How often can you put out a product? 16:54 - Having your own product versus using other people's 20:41 - Selling your products 27-47 - Finding product ideas 30:14 - How Mike got started 32:45 - What you can put in your sales copy 37:00 - Suggested sales platforms 39:10 - It's about the relationship 43:09 - Getting your product onlineDownload Mikes Wordpress training (No Opt-In required)Become a part of SuperFastBusiness todayWant to join SilverCircle? Join the waiting list now James:             Okay, so Mike, you have been prolific with product creation and you also do webinars, so I think it would be a great discussion if we just talk about some of the elements involved for the internet marketer who wants to start creating their own products because there’s so many different things you can do online: we know about selling services to local business, we know about affiliate marketing, but I know when I look back at my own affiliate marketing success, a lot of it had to do with creating my own bonuses and products, and it’s such a powerful advantage and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. So, welcome to the discussion. Mike:               Thanks, it’s always good to be here man. Appreciate it. James:             Give our listeners a little background as to how you got to the stage right now and what sort of things you’ve done. Give us a bit of context as to what we’re qualified to talk about here. Mike:               Sure, well here’s the thing James, when I first got started with internet marketing, I started doing web design and SEO for smaller businesses and in the process was introduced to internet marketing. And in all honesty, I really struggled when I first got started with the whole information overload and I learned pretty quickly. You know you have to have your own product if you want to be able to build a list, if you want to have affiliates, all those things that were you know where the money is, so to speak. And so, what I did was I would make about 90 percent of a product and then I’d go “Oh! You know what, I need a product about this too and a product about that” and I really had a hard time finishing my products and I had about 25 products and 2 of them were done. And the ones that were done, people were buying and they were happy and the rest of them were not and you can guess how much money I made out of those ones that weren’t finished right? James:             You know I have so been in that situation I just was actually looking at some of my old files today, as it turns out, and I found this sheet from 2007 for my internet marketing blog and it had the opt-in value series of education and stuff. And I was really good at mapping out ideas, I had all this opportunity in inverted commerce and I went on so many partial product creations. It was very frustrating but you’re right, you make zero out of the product that you never get to market. So what do you think the big lesson there is for people listening to this? Mike:               Well, you know I got to give credit to my buddy Jason Flatt because I was listening to one of his webinars and Jason struggled with one of the same things and the way he put it was really kind of elementary. He’d say “You know, I’d sit down. I’d start on a product and then I take a break and it wouldn’t get done. So the next day or next week, I’d sit down and start on a product and take a break and then it wouldn’t get done so after this happened a few times, what do you think I figured out?” and everybody typed in “Don’t take a break” and so I adopted that philosophy and sometimes there’s bigger projects where you can’t necessarily do it all in one sitting but if it’s a video series,