7 Steps to Repair Bad SEO Linking Profiles

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Discover how you can fix a damaged linking profile.Have poor SEO practices messed up your linking profiles? Not to worry. Get it fixed in seven steps.// In the video:00:10 - A lot of websites abuse their link profile 00:24 - Some old SEO practices no longer work 00:53 - This step by step plan will repair your link profile 02:10 - Let us help you do SEO rightEngage our expert SEO services Quality multi-media content made for youJames Schramko here with an SEO news update. In this episode, I’m going to cover what you can do to repair a broken link profile.What We’ve NoticedWe do a lot of website checks and what we find over and over again is websites have been abusing their link profile. They’ve been getting too many links for the exact same keyphrase. This comes up a lot because it’s a really common problem.In the old days, all you needed to do to rank well was to get a lot of links to your site with the same anchor text. Now, penguin effectively incinerated that. Google put out a filter that said “Let’s have a look and see who’s trying to manipulate a site by having too many anchor text links” and they call a certain percentage, perhaps in their algorithm. Now what happened is a lot of websites disappeared and only by adding new links and removing the bad links can you actually repair this. So here is the step by step plan:The Step-by-step Process on How To Fix this ProblemStep 1) Step number one, hook up your Google Webmaster Tools and see what links you’ve currently got. Step 2) Step number two, if you see site-wide links that are pointing to your site with the same anchor text, see if you can have them change the anchor text or remove those links. Step 3) If you can’t, step three is to disavow those links. Step 4) Step four is to do a keyword research report. We sell these at SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services and get a very thorough keyword research report. Find all your related phrases. Step 5) And the next step is to create amazing content around the related phrases that are not containing the keyword that you’ve got too many links for. Step 6) The next step is to make media rich videos, images, audios. Step 7) And then, the next step is to promote that content – get relevant links with the right anchor text and a mix of neutral ones until your link profile balances.Photo creditWe Can Help YouSo you go from a very high amount of links with the same anchor text to now building up links with different anchor text and reducing the number of links with the bad one. And now, when you equalize your site and your link profile looks more natural, then you should be able to restore your old rankings plus, you’ve got all these new rankings as well; and that’s how you grow your business.SEO is not dead, you just need to do it right! That’s what we’re here to do at SuperFastBusiness Traffic Services. If you’ve got any questions, then feel free to ask us at SuperFastHelp.com.I’m James Schramko and I’ll speak to you soon.Contact us if you need any help and feel free to leave your comments below.