The Besties Podcast 54 - The awkward episode

The Besties show

Summary: Griffin couldn't help himself. Drunk off back to back wins, the Brother McElroy brought one of the most awkward topics to date. This business. I believe we discussed the topic with the greatest amount of grace and respect afforded a podcast that occassionally stars a talking giraffe. Speaking of, a certain Long Island zoo animal made an unexpected experience, uncovering Microsoft's elaborate plan to run his uncle out of business. I talk Monaco. Justin talks Star Trek. And Frushtick talks talking blocks. All that and more on this week's Besties. 2:30 - Best Star Trek game of the month (Star Trek) 13:15 - Best acting by a rectangle (Thomas Was Alone) 20:20 - Half time: The Pizza Hut app and special guest 26:30 - Best REDACTED ever (Dragon's Crown) 39:50 - Best love letter to Bonanza Bros. (Monaco) 46:30 - The winner is... Theme song by Ian Dorsch Get the show: Download MP3 Subscribe to the podcast (RSS) Subscribe on iTunes