Janet Cranford: Prioritize your values to determine what you really want


Summary: Career coach Janet Cranford believes that navigating a successful personal career path is more than having a well written resume and successful work experience. A professional career journey, she says, has an inner path and an outer path to be explored. If the outer path is your set of experiences, then your inner path reflects your priorities and values. She describes a cycle of renewal which helps explain why success and satisfaction often yield to the doldrums--- and that, she says, can be good thing. Our greatest opportunities emerge at the intersection of our expertise, purpose and marketplace opportunities. Janet Cranford My clients are in midlife and ready to make a difference in the world, whether it's in their own backyards or on a larger, more global scale. They want socially meaningful work that's an authentic expression of who they are. I love seeing my clients become re-energized in their lives and careers as they discover (or re-discover) their authentic lifework. People in their 40s, 50s, and beyond face unique needs and challenges. My career change process helps them break through roadblocks, get back in touch with their dreams and passions, and move forward into more purposeful careers. SPECIALTIES Career coaching, career change, midlife career change, career change after 50, midlife transitions, encore careers, career management, and nonprofit management. In addition to being a Certified Career Management Coach, I am also a Certified Retirement Options Coach, and have completed coach training with the Institute for Life Coach Training. I hold a Master's degree in Social Work from Florida International University and am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the state of Florida. http://www.careerchangepathways.com Here are some recommendations for reading from Janet: The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles, by Steven Pressfield. This is a great book for anyone looking to create something new in their lives. It's helped me understand and work through the resistance and procrastination that can keep me from moving forward. (Wow! Just noticed it's out of print now, except for the Kindle version.) Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion. I'm IN LOVE WITH Joseph Campbell! I've always loved myths and legends, and Joseph Campbell teaches us that our hopes and strivings and fears are universal. That we're all in this together. Transformational Speaking: If You Want to Change the World, Tell a Better Story, by Gail Larsen. I've certainly had my fears about public speaking, but this book has helped me see it differently. Speaking is more a matter of finding your own story and connecting with others by sharing what's in your heart. The Velveteen Rabbit, by Margery Williams. This quote from the book says it all: "'Real isn't how you are made,' said the Skin Horse. 'It's a thing that happens to you.... You become. It takes a long time.'"