Haste with guest hosts Robert Schwalb and Stephen Radney McFarland

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 81 | Announcements Tonight we're joined by freelance game designer Rob Schwalb and game designer Stephen Radney McFarland of Paizo Publishing to discuss this weeks RPG news and murmurs. Enjoy! WARNING: Today's episode is more NSFW than normal and contains the occasional censored swear word. Game Designers...what are you gonna do with them? Topics  World's Worst Dungeon Crawl The Dungeon Bastard has a Kickstarter going on to create the "world's worst dungeon crawl" entitled Flaming Deathpits of the Minotaur Mage: Descent Into Doomfire. He's taking it to Gencon and doing it to prove that DM'ing is easy! We get all philosophical about DM'ing and discuss how easy it really is! 3 Things Dungeon World Does Gnomestew has a great piece up talking about 3 things that Dungeon World does that you need to put into your game. The article is a good one and basically boils down to "don't make your game boring and/or suck". We discuss open ended elements and improvisation in gaming, how we lose sight of it, and what we can do to keep things fun. Earliest Version of D&D Discovered? A recent article on Geekdad begs the question "has the earliest ever version of D&D been discovered?", referred to as the Dalluhn Manuscript, it currently on display at a museum as part of an exhibit called Game Time! The truth is that this article really gives more questions than answers, we're intrigued but we'd like to know more. Do you know more? Let us know! Tip Corner Don't listen to anything Pat Robertson says about Dungeons & Dragons! D&D doesn't destroy lives, just look at these two fine gents on the show tonight! Twitter Poll @Kilogex asks: If you could have any D&D monster as a pet, which one would it be and why? @Forbestay asks: If you could live in any setting what would it be? Listen to find out! Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |