Special Guest Speaker Shane Baxter, Apr 21, 2013

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - Matt. 12:9-14 - it doesn't matter what day of the week it is. If you are shriveled in any way, the heart of God is to restore you. - there is no better place for those with shriveled lives, than the house of God - we are all a little shriveled, emotionally, relationally, etc. - if my muscles have memories that I didn't know about, how much more do my emotions? - how many of us won't engage in relationships, leadership roles, or dreams because of a bad experience in our past? - John 4:13-18 - Jesus goes after the place this woman is shriveled and hurt the most. She's been rejected by 5 men already. - God wants to see you completely restored - Matt. 12:13 - some of us are just one stretch away from a miracle restoration - Heb. 10:39 - "believe" is a verb, not a noun - it's not time to shrivel back in fear, but to step forward into healing and what God's called us to