KritzKast #216: Playing with our Toys

KritzKast show

Summary: Some people were wondering why there was no update this week. We here at kritzkast don’t wonder such things. For we know that Valve are currently on their Hawaii Holiday. So no need to worry about the lack of bug fixes. However, that doesn’t mean there is nothing to talk about. Last Sunday was the Finals of the Ready Steady Pan tournament II. Agro and Ruskey were lucky enough to cast the finals and use far more pan based puns as humanly possible. If you want to watch the PANdemonium that was the finals, click on this link and you can relive it as if you were there. Going on at the same time was the Tip of the Hats event. Trying to raise money for one step camp, the event featured 2 days of 12 hour TF2 live streaming with various different events and personalities from TF2. The list is too long to mention here, but you can recap on everything that happened here. We couldn’t have a show this week with out talking about all the toys. Yes thats right, more of the NECA series of action figures have started to pop-up for pre-order. However NECA have made no announcement about these figures…or the July release date that seems to be attached to them all. If you can’t wait til July, Then why not head over to the TF2 and get yourself a Plushie Balloonicorn. This beckons the question…isn’t it actually a plushicorn? If that isn’t enough, The fans have also been hard at work making toys for us. If you head over to Psychobob Arts Shapeways shop, you’ll see he has created a fully upgradeable Sentry gun. As awesome as it looks, is it legal? Over in the prop world, we have been treated to a collection of great looking TF2 replica weapons by HVD Props. They are planning on creating at least 1 weapon for each class. To follow their progress head over to their facebook page Though it’s too late to vote, you can still see someone from Valve’s staff in a kilt.