The MCAN Climate Minute – Capping a dark week…

The Climate Minute show

Summary: Defenseless under the night Our world in stupor lies; Yet, dotted everywhere, Ironic points of light Flash out wherever the Just Exchange their messages: May I, composed like them Of Eros and of dust, Beleaguered by the same Negation and despair, Show an affirming flame. W.H. Auden, Sept 1, 1939 As we put an end to a week of horror and hope, we can only offer our deepest condolences to the victims of the mindless terror attack at the Boston Marathon.  As we write this two more victims have been added to the toll, MIT Police Officer Sean Collier who was killed and MBTA Police Officer Richard H. Donahue Jr., who was seriously wounded. There are things happening in the climate world, and Rob and Ted talk about the climate doings as we wait some resolution to this nightmare.  A bright spot for us are the continued tales of heroism, from the first responders, to "normal people" who leant a hand.  I'd like to think that the same instinct to help our fellow human is what motivates all of us concerned with climate change.  Thank you for all you do, and thank you for visiting with us today. As always, you can also go to our iTunes page and download or subscribe to the podcast. Some links that will enhance your listening experience: On Sunday, April 21st several locations in the area will hold screenings of a movie about Bill McKibben's "Do The Math" tour.  For a screening near you check out our calendar. EPA has postponed their long-expected powerplant emission rules.  Several states have announced their intention to sue if the agency does not issue its final rules on new powerplant emissions. A new series of earthquakes in Oklahoma heighten suspicions about the ties between fossil fuel extraction and seismic events.  Scientists suspect that a series of quakes in 2011 we connected to practices undertaken in oil drilling.  In connected news, apparently fracking has been dislodging and surfacing significant amounts of uranium... In the congress, Republican Congressman Lee Terry of Nebraska has filed legislation which would take the decision about Keystone out of the President's hands and basically rubber stamp the Keystone pipeline. Joe Romm and Vann Jones have an interesting piece on ThinkProgress about Martin Luther King and his thoughts on direct action and how that relates to climate activists. Has The President given up on Climate?  Some think so. Finally, it's Earth Day Plus 43.  The New Yorker has an interesting piece on the changing nature of the day and the movement. As always, it's been a pleasure sharing climate news and views with you.  You know, you can subscribe to our iTunes feed and get our podcasts automatically here.  Feel free to give us your thoughts on our Facebook page, or through old-fashioned email. You can donate and support the Climate Minute and all of MCAN's other climate change fighting activities by hitting that "donate now" button, or going to  Much thanks to D from Arlington who helped support us this week! Remember, for climate activities near you check out our MCAN climate action calendar.  You can enter events as well as browse for interesting things to do. As always -- remember, for these reasons we have discussed, the United States must place a price on carbon.  Stay safe.  We will see you next week.Download Enhanced Podcas