Advanced Audio Blog S2 #16 - Top Ten Places in Hong Kong: Aberdeen

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 香港仔 香港香港,聽個名就知道其實今日嘅呢個大都會昔日係一個港口、一條漁村。我唔係水上人,我相信而家大部份嘅香港人都已經唔係水上人,但係我朋友嘅朋友就係正宗嘅水上人,世世代代捕魚為生,佢嘅屋企就係喺香港嘅香港仔。佢成日感歎話,今日嘅香港仔已經面目全非,雖然你仲可以睇到漁船同港灣,不過人造氣息太濃,生活氣息卻少幾分。 我記得第一次見到香港仔,覺得好唔真實,因為咁傳統嘅漁船點可以同周圍山腰林立嘅高樓大廈並存咖?呢種強烈嘅對比,就好似你食緊甜品,突然咬到一啖燒鵝一樣,非常突兀。不過香港仔呢個名我的確係幾鍾意嘅,非常之得意。 我聽講,以前香港仔仲叫做石排灣,因為古時候香港地區嘅地上人主要生產嘅石磚,大多數會運到香港仔嘅海灣排列然後運到廣州,所以呢個海灣就叫做石排灣。同香港嘅維多利亞港嘅國際化唔同,呢度真係要幾傳統有幾傳統。 喺海灣內漂泊有各式各樣嘅捕魚船隻同供應飲食嘅海鮮舫,甚至有古舊嘅中國式帆船。佢最吸引人嘅地方就係佢嘅舢舨,係開放俾大家坐嘅。你可以上船遊覽吓成個海灣,經過水上嘅食肆就嗌一碗艇仔粥! 傍晚嘅時候,四面燈火倒影,一邊食粥,一邊睇睇水上人家嘅生活景況,亦確實過癮。建議大家趁早去,如果唔係,呢度嘅文化,可能就會被城市化逼得連夾縫生存嘅空間都冇。 ----English---- Aberdeen Aberdeen is a place where many fishing boats gather. The image of traditional fishing boats makes for a stark contrast when viewed against the modern skyscrapers in the background; the two views are so different! Add on the gaily-painted pleasure-boat "Jumbo Kingdom" and you'll see why we call Aberdeen a typical Chinese fishing harbor. Aberdeen used to be an important port in the Hong Kong economy. Back in the old days, most of the bricks produced in inland Hong Kong would be transported to Aberdeen for distribution where they would be shipped to Guangzhou. This is why the place is also called Sek Paai Waan. By the Ming Dynasty, Sek Paai Waan had already become the sole distribution center for a very special kind of wood. All of the products from the Sha Tin and Sha Lo Wan districts were first sent to Aberdeen Harbor in small boats and then transported in "larger boats" called Daai Ngaan Gai to Guangzhou. There is even a rumor saying that the name "Hong Kong Bay" was first given to the island around this time. This business started to decline in the Qing Dynasty but Aberdeen is now a popular spot for tourists from all over the world. It is a poetic and artistic fishing town in Hong Kong. And even if we can no longer find evening singing performances here, we can still see some of the other typical characteristics of a fishing port. At the harbor, you'll find numerous fishing boats selling different kinds of seafood and other typical dishes, as well as traditional Chinese sailboats. That said, the most fascinating thing about this place is the people who still live on their fishing boats, which were passed down to them from their parents and ancestors. It is such a wonderful opportunity to have the chance to witness the traditional lifestyle of Hong Kong fishermen. ----Pinyin---- hoeng1 gong2 zai2 hoeng1 gong2 hoeng1 gong2,teng1 go3 meng2 zau6 zi1 dou6 kei4 sat6 gam1 jat6 ge3 ni1 go3 daai6 dou1 wui6 sik1 jat6 hai6 jat1 go3 gong2 hau2、jat1 tiu4 jyu4 cyun1。ngo5 m4 hai6 seoi2 soeng6 jan4,ngo5 soeng1 seon3 ji4 gaa1 daai6 bou6 fan6 ge3 hoeng1 gong2 jan4 dou1 ji5 ging1 m4 hai6 seoi2 soeng6 jan4,daan6 hai6 ngo5 pang4 jau5 ge3 pang4 jau5 zau6 hai6 zing3 zung1 ge3 seoi2 soeng6 jan4,sai3 sai3 doi6 doi6 bou6 jyu4 wai4 sang1,keoi5 ge3 uk1 kei5 zau6 hai6 hai2 hoeng1 gong2 ge3 hoeng1 gong2 zai2。keoi5 sing4 jat6 gam2 taan3 waa6,gam1 jat6 ge3 hoeng1 gong2 zai2 ji5 ging1 min6 muk6 cyun4 fei1,seoi1 jin4 nei5 zung6 ho2 ji5 tai2 dou2 jyu4 syun4 tung4 gong2 waan1,bat1 gwo3 jan4 zou6 hei3 sik1 taai3 nung4,sang1 wut6 hei3 sik1 koek3 siu2 gei2 fan1。 ngo5 gei3 dak1 dai6 jat1 ci3 gin3 dou2 hoeng1 gong2 zai2,gok3 dak1 hou2 m4 zan1 sat6,jan1 wai6 gam3 cyun6 tung2 ge3 jyu4 syun4 dim2 ho2 ji5 tung4 zau1 wai4 saan1 jiu1 lam4 laap6 ge3 gou1 lau4 daai6 haa6 bing3 cyun4 gaa3?ni1 zung2 koeng4 lit6 ge3 deoi3 bei2,zau6 hou2 ci5 nei5 sik6 gan2 tim4 ban2,dat6 jin4 ngaau5 dou2 jat1 daam6 siu1 ngo2 jat1 joeng6,fei1 soeng4 dat6 ngat6。bat1 gwo3 hoeng1 gong2 zai2 ni1 go3 meng2 ngo5 dik1 kok3 hai6 gei2 zung1 ji3 ge5,fei1 soeng4 [...]