Episode 23: Sea Magic!

Circle Craft Podcast » Podcast Feed show

Summary: The Atlantic Ocean photographed by Selena Fox Join Selena Fox as she connects with the sacred powers of the ocean, its symbols, dieities and sacred forms. On this episode of the Cirlce Craft Study podcast, Selena connects with the magic of the ocean through mediation, communion and ritual. The ocean, also sometimes known as the sea, is part of human life and an important pat of the planet, our home.As we come into the world as babies int he making, we are in a watery salty womb not unlike the ocean from which all life on planet earth is said to have come. This podcast was originally broadcast as part of the BlogTalkRadio.com’s Pagans Tonight radio network. As a bonus, you can download a high-quality copy of the rites, meditations and invocations Selena made as she communed with the Atlantic Ocean in late summer of 2012.