Petur Halldorsson - Hour 1 - The Measure of the Cosmos

Red Ice Radio show

Summary: Petur Halldorsson is an Icelandic artist and author of The Measure of the Cosmos. His book explains how men in antiquity marked an Image of Creation in the terrain of new settlements. The book is based on Einar Pálsson's hypotheses concerning the use of numerology and symbolism by ancient cultural communities to calculate the placement of their sacred Images of Creation. The principal reference points were the motions of the heavenly bodies, the cardinal directions and the proportions of the human body. Man's Image of Creation was a projection on the terrain of the zodiac, anchored to prominent landmarks on the ground and the sun's annual path around the zodiac. Pétur explains how the ancient approach is akin to a yardstick, which applies not only to the ancient Image of Creation discovered in Iceland but was also used in ancient times in all parts of the globe.