Nature’s 7 Secrets to Igniting Your Dynamic Powers of Creati

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: The natural world is one of your most powerful teachers. When you align with its force, you tap into your incredible creative capacity to improve and enhance every area of your life. Each element adds a potent ingredient to your ability to dance with success, awaken your inner gifts, and ignite your personal powers of creation. Earth: Focuses on your physical world of body, home, car, and finances, and hones the ability to bring your ideas into structure and form. Water: Immerses you in your emotional and feeling world, your self-esteem, your relationships with people around you, as well as anything you are in relationship with such as the Earth. Water improves your ability to magnetize your desires. Air: Accelerates your mental realm and capacity to envision your life, set intention, and direct your creations. Fire: Activates your energy and ability to take aligned action while increasing your passion, dynamism, and igniting your dreams. Spirit: Connects with ability to bring your essence into being and express it in the world, while enhancing your connection to the Divine. Lisa Michaels teaches you how to connect with the profound power of the natural world so you can dramatically increase your ability to thrive in every area of life