Managing Time, Nutrition & Money During the Holidays

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: The holidays are a wonderful, magical time of the year, filled with love, giving and connecting with family, friends and loved ones.  However, it can also be a time of great stress, both physically and mentally.  We often experience many challenges during the holiday season.   Time management, money management, and eating healthy can be difficult with our busy schedules and the abundance of goodies close at hand.   Donna Reid leads a very busy life, she is a mother of 4 & grandmother, who works from home (book keeper, nail tech, Sr. Facilitator with H-TRIO, Volunteer in the community& Board Member for CalSouth Little League).  Donna helps to empower people through conducting workshops on positive living and really walks her talk.     On tonight's show Donna will share with us specific skills, tools and fabulous ideas to help us manage our time, nutrition and money during this busy, hectic season.  She will help us to clarify what is important so that we can enjoy spending time with family and friends and relax and appreciate the beauty of the season.