Falling in Love with Your Life: An inside-out job - Feb 22,2012

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Desiree's personal journey to discovering herself, her heart-song and giving herself permission to show up as HERSELF has been fraught with all kinds of trial and error, issues and drama. It has indeed been a rocky road, however as a result of her trials, tribulations and triumphs; she feels a tremendous calling to share her stories and experience, energy and enthusiasm with the intention of sharing with others the tools she has discovered (so far!)to set themselves free of their internal shackles. As a result of this, there is healing from past wounds, trauma, and blockages enabling folks to embrace their birth-right to inner health, happiness and success. From this place her sincere desire is for adults and parents to bring this love and celebration from themselves, into the home, into the family and ultimately into the world! Desiree Mills is the founder of Inspired Solutions. She loves to connect with people and share her energy and enthusiasm to ignite and sustain the 'fire' within her clients to move from simply 'surviving' into the realm of thriving. Combining her love of people with her passion for joy and indominatable zest for Life, her work as a Human Behaviour Specialist and Life Coach provides answers to questions and practical solutions to life's challenges. Her unique approach assists and guides her clients to unleash their potential and move into greater levels of achievement, fulfillment and empowerment in all areas of life!