Raising Authentic Children

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: We do not teach our children by the words we say, we teach from our actions and the example that we are in various situations. When our words match our actions, when the rules of the house are consistent with the example that we exhibit, we teach our children how to be authentic. We need to embody authenticity for kids to live it. A degree in Psychology has given Natalie understanding. A degree in Drama had her pushing limits of fear and exploding in wildness, dance, creativity and spontaneity. Training in Psychodrama made her wonderfully crazy, audacious, and surrendering to quietude allowed her to taste the magic in group healing. Being an individual, group, and family counsellor stretched and pounded on her heart and mind expanding her Vision in serving more in the Universe. Training as a Certified Networking Coach came the gifts of being disciplined, fully present, requesting boldly, and having integrity. As a home provider/fosterer for years to emotional challenging (Fetal Alcoholics, Aspergers, etc) teens unleashed the healing potential in juicy empathy, the revelations in understanding, and the strength in Wisdom. Becoming a Master Certified Singles and Couples Coach has spoken to the power of purpose, the joy of love, and the importance of honing down to specifics. Being a mother to two precious beings, has allowed her an intimate channel for patience and play, devotion and celebration, rhythm and consistency