TRUST ~ You'll SEE it when you BELIEVE it!!! - Jun 06,2012

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: "We need to connect to something greater, bigger than ourselves; we need to connect with our higher purpose, and to take our place in society. One by one, as each of us gets reconnected with our authenticity, we will begin to feel a greater peace, trust and ease then ever before, first within ourselves and eventually within the world." ~ Brad Simkins and Jeri Tourand Beautiful Seeds of Change There is a lot of shifts happening all around the planet. Can you feel it? For many of us, its impossible not to feel it. Along with these shifts, there is a new and stronger need for trusting. Again, many of us have a hard time with trusting. Most of us can give an exhaustive explanation on why it is difficult or even impossible to trust. So, where do we begin? How do we begin to trust again, after we have lost trust somewhere along the way? The beginning always starts with ourselves. If we are having a hard time trusting others, then somewhere deep within us there is a lack of trust with the "I". Once we begin to develop a trusting relationship with ourselves, then we can begin to work on our trust with the Universe. We can never trust the Universe to support us, if we feel unworthy of receiving that support. Once these two cornerstones of our foundation of trust are secured, the rest will come easily. We will begin to trust our loved ones, and then our community. But it all starts with the cornerstone of trusting and valuing ourselves. Join Brad and Jeri as they explore these and other powerful lessons and insights from their new book, "Beautiful Seeds of Change," written by some of the greatest self empowerment authors. They will also share with you how you can get involved in some of their upcoming projects, workshops and classes!