Crisis for the Modern Man. How to Reclaim the Masculine Soul

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: Modern society has brought about many changes in the way that we live our lives. Science & medicine, democracy and the market economy all provide us with many of the things that we enjoy today, such as our relatively high standard of living (food, shelter, and luxury items) and our freedom of expression. But these things have come at a cost. The current environmental crisis is one of our most immediate and pressing issues, especially as the world's population now exceeds 7 billion people and is expected to reach between 7.5 and 10.5 billion people by 2050. And just as pressing, but perhaps less well publicized and discussed, is the crisis that we are facing inside ourselves. Our society has created an environment where many of us grow up in homes with absentee or divorced parents, and then we are put into an education system designed to educate, control, and prepare us for working in the real world. In this environment, the natural essence of who and what we are gets suppressed or hurt, and we end up with people who are traumatically disconnected from themselves, from their passions, and from their natural masculine and feminine essence. In this show, we will talk about the modern man and how to reclaim our birthright - our masculine soul. After an 18 year career in computers and telecommunications, Mark changed directions five years ago after taking a course called the Enlightenment Intensive. During this class, he realized why he had become dissatisfied with his work, and shortly thereafter ended his career in technology and started studying material in the realms of self-realization, relationships and sexuality. Having staffed many workshops and classes, Mark continued his studies in leadership and facilitation, and is now offering the Enlightenment Intensive and Fast, Deep & Sexy courses. As a personal coach, he also works with a group of select people who are strongly committed to making powerful changes in their lives.