The "Hope Syndrome"

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: As my personal journey has progressed, I've had the privaledge of meeting many amazing people and of studying the works of many incredible visionaries- in a multitude of various fields of study. Yet instead of feeling empowered, energized and confident armed with all this wisdom, I often find myself feeling disillusioned, frustrated and exhausted. Sound familiar? What's up with that??? I call it the "Hope Syndrome" Please join us this week to explore this extremely common, but little understood phenomenon. Discover what it is, why we suffer from it, and some practical exercises to move beyond...the Hope Syndrome. Desiree MillsĀ is the founder of Inspired Solutions. She loves to connect with people and share her energy and enthusiasm to ignite and sustain the 'fire' within her clients to move from simply 'surviving' into the realm of thriving. Combining her love of people with her passion for joy and indominatable zest for Life, her work as a Human Behaviour Specialist and Life Coach provides answers to questions and practical solutions to life's challenges.