Illuminating the Dark Side

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: In all things manifest there is the light and the dark which is what provides contrast and makes life interesting. In humanity, the dark side is generally that which we have disowned about ourselves or are not consciously aware of or have hidden because of the pain associated with it. In short, the dark side is comprised of beliefs, feelings and behaviors we don’t like. It’s often called the shadow with good reason because the tendency is to look away from the light of Life and so what we end up seeing is a shadow of what is coming from the light, not what is real. Shadows do not give us the whole picture however and tend to be very dark and scary because of the stories we tell ourselves and each other about them. The dark side of life is also what has traditionally been termed evil and seen as separate from us and so it is to be fought, criticized, condemned and punished. You may already have noticed that rejection and the resulting projections have not worked very well either in our personal lives or in society when dealing with the darkness This evening we’re going to explore the dark side through the eyes of understanding and compassion as we shine the light into the heart of darkness. Let’s see if there may be other ways to respond to the darkness within and without Yvonne Racine, The Relationship Coach is a certified life coach, ordained Unity minister, Life Celebrant and certified Personal Development Facilitator. Yvonne has been involved in personal and spiritual development for 25 years as well as having many years of business experience. She has a passion for getting to the core of life and revealing truth.  Yvonne shares a unique and compassionate perspective on life and the human condition which facilitates the changes needed to live spiritually integrated and happier, more fulfilling lives