A Fireside Chat with Brad and Linda - Nov 28,2012

Inner Guide Empowerment show

Summary: What a glorious time to be alive! Have you noticed that things in your world seem to be moving quickly, shaking up and leaving you with more questions than you have answers? Well, this is the week to bring those questions to your co-hosts Brad Simkins and Linda Millek to search out and explore where life and your path may be leading, to dive deeper and bring forward your Truth. What are you passionate about, passionate to discover, struggling with or finding helpful that you would like to share with us and others? Know that your desires and struggles are much like those of others and that by your sharing you might assist another to reach out, find hope and meaning in the world. We are looking forward to creating an interactive forum both live via telephone and from the chat room this week and we, along with our listening audience would love to hear from YOU! We hope that you will bring your questions and concerns to discuss and weigh in regarding what may have come up for you during the previous weeks' shows, as well as those that have been laying in wait for just such an opportunity. The holidays are upon us and we know that there are those who are looking for some simple and meaningful ways to cope and get along in an ever changing world. So write down those questions, bring your comments along with a friend and let us hear from YOU, this is the week that you have been waiting for and it is our desire to bring you the best of all Truths and ways to discern your own Truth, for you. We look forward to sharing more of the journey with you as we walk hand in hand with each other shining our "Light" in the world.Namaste. Brad and Linda