Parenting Special Needs Kids - Author/Mom Adrienne Bashista

Good-Enough Parenting Show show

Summary: If you are one of the 15% of families in the U.S. with a special needs child or children, you know all too well the stress and strain and JOY of challenged parenting. Our guest, Adrienne Bashista, is the co-editor of and contributor to the book Easy to Love but Hard to Raise: Real Parents, Challenging Kids, True Stories and she also runs the blog ( and Facebook group by the same name. She is also the managing editor of the blog A Mom's View of ADHD ( and has written about parenting children with invisible special needs for multiple publications, print and on-line. Along with Penny Williams, she is one of the founders of the Happy Mama Conference and Retreat, a weekend for moms of kids with "invisible" special needs, held in Raleigh, NC.  She is also the director of Families Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and is a trainer for caregivers of people with FASD.