Bookrageous Episode 26; Banned Books

The Bookrageous Podcast show

Summary: Bookrageous Episode 26; Banned Books Intro Music; 1976 -- RJD2 What We’re Reading Rebecca [1:16] The Starboard Sea, Amber Dermont, March 2012 [4:02] The Revisionists, Thomas Mullen [4:42] Sex at Dawn, Ryan 8 Jetha Jeff [6:47] I Married You for Happiness, Lily Tuck [8:52] The Funny Man, John Warner [10:35] How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One, Stanley Fish [12:47] Orality and Literacy, Walter Ong (ebook) [13:50] Jeff’s Wonkometer Scale: Malcolm Gladwell - 2, Freakonomics - 5, Martin Heidegger - 10 Josh [14:27] Habibi, Craig Thompson [14:52] Ghost Lights, Lydia Millet, October 2011 [17:20] Cabin, Lou Ureneck (started as a blog for NY Times) [18:02] All the Way Home, Building a Home with My Husband — Intermission; Freedom -- Jimi Hendrix— Banned Books [21:25] Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare [23:17] Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury [24:47] The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain [31:08] Naked Lunch, William S. Burroughs [32:58] Speak, Laurie Halse Anderson [33:36] Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut; Twenty Boy Summer, Sarah Ockler [35:33] Flowers in the Attic, V.C. Andrews [40:00] Most Frequently Challenged Books list from the ALA, Banned Books Week website, stats on challenges at the ALA’s website [44:20] The Color Purple, Alice Walker [50:01] Maus, Art Spiegelman [50:30] Lady Chatterley’s Lover, DH Lawrence [52:02] that Amazon/pedophilia e-book thing [55:45] Amazon 8 the LGBT deranking issue [57:22] gay relationships in YA novels under attack — Outro; 1976 -- RJD2 — Find Us! Bookrageous on Tumblr, Podbean, Twitter, Facebook, Zazzle (for the Bookrageous 2011-2012 calendar), and leave us voicemail at 347-855-7323 Find Us Online:, Jeff, Josh, Rebecca; Jenn Fuzzy Typewriter Book Club Get Bookrageous schwag at CafePress Note: Our show book links direct you to WORD, an independent bookstore in Brooklyn. If you click through and buy the book, we will get a small affiliate payment. We won't be making any money off any book sales - any payments go into hosting fees for the Bookrageous podcast, or Bookrageous projects like our calendar. We promise