Haste w/ Ben Mcfarland! Google Glass at Gencon, Hasbro/D&D Daydreams, Open Gaming Monthly, and more!

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 79 | Announcements Tonight we're joined by Freelance Writer of many things, Mr. Ben McFarland to talk to him about his dream for an awesome virtual Gen Con experience provided via Google Glass. Also want to make quick mention of a great little lite RPG called Folklore, created by one of our listeners Seth Zaloudek go check it out! Topics  Experience Gencon Through Google Glass Ben and I talk about his crowdfunded project that is going to allow him to provide a fun, first-person perspective of the entirety of GenCon this year. He's been selected to pilot Google Glass and he's taking it to the show, let's find out how we can live vicariously through him! "What If Hasbro Accidentally Remembered they Owned D&D?" A recent article over on Battlegrip.com has stirred up a lot of discussion in the RPG community, some of whimsical hope for  second golden age of D&D, and some saying this is a pipe dream. Ben and I discuss the article, we'd love your two cents too. Open Gaming Monthly by d20PFSRD While we probably won't ever stop lamenting the end of Kobold Quarterly, at least some solid gaming magazines have sprung up in attempts to fill the gap. Open Gaming Monthly is another new gaming mag focused on open licensed games and is done very, very well. A large focus on Pathfinder, but still useful to most everyone. Ben and I discuss! Tip Corner I am a shill, I'm sorry. My tip is to go and back the Obsidian Portal Kickstarter. Honestly! There's only 2 weeks left, get it while it's hot! Twitter Poll @Forbestay asks: If you could cast any one spell, what would it be? Listen to find out! Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |