Sium suave | Water Parsnip | Spokes

Survival Plants Memory Course show

Summary: MNEMONIC EXPLAINED: When you see 2 bike wheels (compound umbels; 1 umbel and 1 umbellets; stems radiate from one point like spokes in a wheel) with stunt pegs (pegs that stick out a short distance from both sides of both wheels, for riders to jump onto when they’re doing tricks [the pegs represent the bracts below each umbel and umbellet]) in the snow it’s probably a BMX bike. You can’t be sure because the rest of the bike is covered in snow (flowers are white). Brush away some snow, bend down, grab the bike frame (your hand represents the compound leaf clasping the main plant stem which is stout and hollow like the bike frame) then stand the bike up. Vividly imagine yourself “SLOWLY" getting on the bike (only 3 steps to this: 1. hold the grips [represent seeds; ribbed and their approximate shape] 2. sit down [the seat represents one of the approximate variable shapes of each leaflet {oblong-ovate}] 3. peddle [each peddle, with it’s parallel parts, represent the plant’s ribbed stems; the teeth on the sprocket/gear represents the teeth on each leaflet “AND” it’s pointed tip; the shape of the chain represents one of the approximate variable shapes of each leaflet {oblong-ovate to narrowly lance shaped}]). Now ride the bike to the nearby bike park where a large crowd (represents leaflets) has gathered along each side of a long muddy track (this straight line path represents the leaf stem; the mud is to help you envision deep tire tracks up and down the path which again represent the plants ribbed stems; the mud is also associated with moist or shallow water ground which is characteristic of this plant) with a hill to jump at the far end (that hill represents the single leaflet at the far end or the tip of each odd-pinnately compound leaf). You prepare to make your jump, at the near end, by first doing some tricks for the crowd using the stunt pegs (again: pegs that stick out a short distance from both sides of both wheels, for riders to jump onto when they’re doing tricks [the pegs represent the bracts below each umbel and umbellet]). The crowd goes wild! Now race down the muddy track (ribbed leaf stem), flying by the crowd (leaflets) that are on both sides (leaflets/crowd are opposite of one another), and make your jump (OPTIONAL: vividly imagine doing some sort of stunt peg trick in mid-air in order to reenforce the bracts at the base of each wheel [umbellet and umbel]). It was spectacular! NOTICE: The landing area was more grassy (grass blades remind you that leaves that are under or near the surface of water are divided into thread-like segments) and wet (grows in shallow water or moist ground) from the melting (wet) snow (again: flowers are white). OPTIONAL: Now turn around. On your way back to the starting point you slowly zig-zag (represents each compound leaf [not leaflet] that alternate up the main stem) to the right and to the left of the muddy track (remember: on the way back the track represents the main stem rather than the compound leaf stem) in order to greet your new fans, shake hands, take pictures and sign autographs.