THE WINDMILL MOVIE: Q & A with producer SUSAN MEISELAS & filmmaker ALEXANDER OLCH (Recorded, June 17, 2009)

Film Forum Podcasts show

Summary: THE WINDMILL MOVIE: Richard P. Rogers (1943-2001) was a NYC baby boomer, born to privilege: a Harvard-educated WASP who became a first-rate independent filmmaker (QUARRY and ELEPHANTS both opened at Film Forum in the ’70s) and a gifted film teacher. But he was also a tortured, neurotic soul who freely admitted to being jealous of Steven Spielberg and simultaneously ashamed of the impulse. Torn between narrow class loyalties and broader professional goals and political values, Rogers found the time to juggle multiple relationships with the skill of a world-class Lothario, but was unable to complete an autobiographical film he had worked on for 25 years. His former student Alexander Olch collages a trove of material, including extraordinary scenes of Rogers’s mink-coated Gorgon-mom, and fictional sequences with Wallace Shawn as Dick. THE WINDMILL MOVIE is a heady, fascinating brew that brings together one man’s parentage, culture, education, and ambition — letting the chips fall where they may. This podcast is a recording of the Q & A with producer SUSAN MEISELAS & filmmaker ALEXANDER OLCH, recorded, June 17, 2009, at Film Forum.