Episode 149, “Last Minute Christmas” (Brina Palencia)

The One Piece Podcast show

Summary: On this holiday special One Piece Podcast episode we have an interview with the phenomenal Brina Palencia, voice of Tony Tony Chopper on One Piece. We also have our, and your, Top 5 of 2010! In between we have little holiday presents for all the good boys and girls. Props go to The Dude, Steve, and Firecrouch (mostly The Dude) to their work on this holiday special. Warning: aside from the introduction and interview, spoilers are abound. You've been warned! On this episode: The Dude, Firecrouch, Jason, and Dominic. Enjoy: 0:00:00 Introduction with The Dude 0:02:57 The Dude sings "12 Days of Podcasting" 0:03:37 Interview Time with Brina Palencia 0:41:24 Firecrouch Sings "Jingle Bells" 0:41:36 Akainu Sings "My Favorite Things" 0:42:04 Top 5: 2010 1:28:57 The Dude Sings "J-Sack's Tweets" 1:32:14 Good Bye! We'll see you in 2011!