Why Your Blog Has To Make Money

Blogger Money Talk show

Summary: This first podcast of the series starts off with an introduction to each of the 3 blogging and marketing experts who will be running the entire series: Ed Forteau Dr. Jessica Voigts Leon Altman The talk itself starts off with Leon in total disbelief. The podcast topic is Why Your Blog Has to Make Money and Leon says, "Duh!"   He can't believe that any bloggers would have any issues with making money. Ed and Jessie, who've mentored hundreds of bloggers, said indeed - they do. Many bloggers start with certain assumptions and misconceptions about blogging and making money from their blog: The belief that making money with your blog compromises journalistic integrity Making money with your blog is seen as compromising the integrity of the blogging industry It's perceived as selling out The talk tackles each of those beliefs, shows why they are misconceptions, and the consequences of sticking to these beliefs.  First, there is the Free Stuff Delusion phase. Bloggers get seduced by all the free stuff they get from companies:  gifts, travel, etc. At some point the light switch goes off and they realize that free stuff doesn't pay the bills. And it really isn't free. It costs time and work. Other family members start to doubt that anything will come of this "Blogging Thing": Start to resent the time the blogger is spending. Because it doesn't make money, they look at it as  a hobby – and one that doesn’t bring in any money.  The talk delves into the reasons why making money with your blog is so important on a number of levels. The fact is until it starts bringing in real money: the blog will continued to be viewed as hobby won’t be seen as a real business resentment will keep growing  will cause a rift in marriages and relationships.  So the blog has to make money not just for real economic reasons...but also to validate the blogger. Prove to family and friends that the blogger is doing something he or she can be proud of...something that has real value (like supporting the family).   Our 3 intrepid experts talk about the trouble with the term "blogger." Why redefinition is the first step in being taken seriously  More steps that are necessary to be taken seriously How to treat your blogging as a real business  The podcast ends with a cliffhanger - essentially a preface to the rest of the podcast series. The podcast series will demonstrate ways bloggers can make serious, consistent income.  An introduction to the most mysterious monetization one of all. The one few really know about yet it holds the potential to bring in the biggest and most sustainable profits... The Brand Partnership business model. You can download the transcript of the Podcast 101 here. Join the discussion on Facebook here. Or join us on our Linkedin Group here.