Law Enforcement Against Prohibition + Grads and Jobs

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Jefferson Exchange – April 8, 2013, HOUR 1</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b> <span class="headlinetext">Cops and Drugs</span> </b><br><br> Critics of the criminal justice approach to drugs in America are not all outside the criminal justice system.  Present and former workers in the system have joined hands and called for an end to the ""just say no"" approach, through the group <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Law Enforcement Against Prohibition</strong></a>, or LEAP.  We'll catch up with the latest thinking in LEAP with former Seattle police chief Norm Stamper.</p><p class="MsoNormal"><b> <span class="headlinetext">Grads and Jobs</span> </b><br><br> Spring flowers are just beginning to bloom, but the end of the school year is not far away.  And for college graduates in particular, that means getting serious about looking for work, a process that has proven difficult for recent classes.   <a href="" target="_blank"><strong>Southern Oregon University</strong></a> career preparation coordinator Max Brooks will join us to talk about job prospects and job-hunting process for the class of 2013.  </p>