Crashburn Alley Podcast Episode 4

crashburnalley show

Summary: Bill Baer is busy doing Bill Baer stuff, so Michael Baumann helms this week's podcast with a performance that can only be described with words like "competent" and "well-intentioned." Topics: Carlos Ruiz's white-hot start to 2012 Last week's roster shake-up Hunter Pence in the doghouse Break Ruben Amaro's opinion on relievers and strikeouts Cole Hamels trade rumors Trivia Twitter Question: Which member of the Phillies has the best hair? (@soundofphilly) Twitter Question: Who is your all-time favorite Phillie? (@kfk5025) Outro As always, any and all feedback is welcome, on iTunes, in the comments section, or on Twitter. We'd love to know what you like and don't like so that we can improve future podcasts. Some of the audio in this one is a little shaky, but it gets better in the second segment, and we should have the protocols down for a solid audio product for next episode. Make sure you're following us on Twitter if you want to send in a Twitter question for the next episode: Bill: @CrashburnAlley Paul: @Phrontiersman Michael: @AtomicRuckus Ryan: @Phylan Bradley: @BradleyAnkrom Thanks to Local Wizards for allowing us to use his music for this week's episode. Please check out his Bandcamp page and give a listen to "Muckrakers," the album from which the music on today's episode came, and several other releases