From The (old) Archives: Karla Turner – Anomalous Abductee Experiences

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: This interview was recorded on July 7th, 1994 at the Mutual UFO Network national convention in Austin, Texas. Karla Turner had recently published her second book, Taken: Inside the Human-Alien Abduction Agenda. In all three of her published works on abductions, she pulled no punches and left no details unreported, whether describing her own experiences or those of others who came to her with their own stories. My favorite quote from Karla that day, and one I have come back to many times in the 17 years since, was "The truth to me more likely is going to lie in the anomalous details." After our talk, we kept in touch by phone and Karla kept me supplied with leads and contacts for my own research as well as any help I could provide to her. I came to consider her a friend and was shocked and saddened when she died of cancer in 1996. Most of the text was published in The Excluded Middle, and is available in the book Wake Up Down There! Wes Nations from Crash Collusion magazine asked a few questions as well. This was perhaps the third or fourth interview I conducted, and it shows. I should also apologize for the quality of the recording, which was digitized from a mini-cassette. Over at UFOmystic, I wrote about Karla and her influence on my thinking. The photo above was taken just after the interview.