Episode 3: Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling eds

Last Short Story: A Review of Short SF/F show

Summary: Welcome to the third episode of the Last Short Story podcast, a monthly discussion of new science fiction and fantasy short stories. In this belated March podcast, Alex Pierce and Tehani Wessely finally managed to sit down to chat about the Tor anthology Queen Victoria's Book of Spells: an anthology of gaslamp fantasy (edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling). Spoilers: we both loved it. The stories discussed are: “The Fairy Enterprise” by Jeffrey Ford “From the Catalogue of the Pavilion of the Uncanny and Marvelous, Scheduled for Premiere at the Great Exhibition (Before the Fire)” by Genevieve Valentine “The Memory Book” by Maureen McHugh “Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells” by Delia Sherman “Briar Rose” by Elizabeth Wein “The Governess” by Elizabeth Bear “The Unwanted Women of Surrey” by Kaaron Warren “Mr. Splitfoot” by Dale Bailey “Phosphorus” by Veronica Schanoes “We Without Us Were Shadows” by Catherynne M. Valente “The Vital Importance of the Superficial” by Ellen Kushner and Caroline Stevermer “The Jewel in the Toad Queen’s Crown” by Jane Yolen “A Few Twigs He Left Behind” by Gregory Maguire “Estella Saves the Village” by Theodora Goss You can purchase a copy of the anthology at your preferred book dealer retailer – we highly recommend it. Work is commencing on the next episode, where more of the Last Short Story team will discuss new short fiction. Next month: TB