Logging Roads and Water + VENTSday

The Jefferson Exchange show

Summary: <p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Jefferson Exchange – April 3, 2013, HOUR 1</p><p><b> <span class="headlinetext">Logging Roads and Water</span> </b><br><br> What the lower courts giveth, the Supreme Court taketh away: the court recently overturned an appeals court ruling requiring Clean Water Act permits for logging roads.  Forest managers and loggers may be pleased, but environmental grops are not.  You'll hear from the <a href="http://crag.org/" target="_blank"><strong>CRAG Law Center</strong></a> about the rationale for both decisions, and what happens next.</p><p></p><p><b><span class="headlinetext">VENTSday</span> </b></p><p>No guest, two topics, and all the calls and emails we can fit in half an hour.  That's the general structure of our weekly VENTSday segment, a chance for listeners to vent politely on topics in the news.  Take part by calling 1-800-838-3760 or 541-552-6782 or emailing <a href="mailto:JX@jeffnet.org?subject=VENTS%20Apr%203"><strong>JX@jeffnet.org</strong></a><br> THIS WEEK:<br> --Should bicycles be taxed for transportation funding?<br> --Domestic drones--what uses should be allowed?</p>