Summary: Tonight June the 16th at 8pm EDT on SideStand Up! Mario Winkelman of LDComfort undergarments is back to refresh us on what LDComfort is presently up to and in future. Boone "Danny" Nelson an old riding buddy of Tom's is coming on to tell about his experience riding an photographing and learning about all 92 courthouses in the state of Indiana. Presidents and friends of the show Debbi Harbor of the BMWRA and Dave Swider BMWMOA will be talking about this years National Rallys and The Rolling Rally during the week between the events. Jim Olive adventurer and author of "Lucille And The XXX Road" rode around the world in 60 days for his 60th birthday. The book was great You'll really enjoy the twists, turns, and thrill of a True American Adventurer . Check SideStandUp.com for updates. Don't forget to inquire about any discounts when contacting one of our sponsors let them know you heard about them on SideStand Up