Summary: Tonight June the 23rd at 8pm EDT on SideStand Up! Jack "On The Track" Ferguson will back back with another update on what is happening in the world of racing around the globe. Crazy "Carl Parker" Talented film maker and photographer is back with his second segment on Motography, Carl's term for the mixture of motorcyling & photography. Lacy "Hope" Betton, Commander U.S. Navy Ret. Just back from his charity / adventure ride from Key West to Cartwright, Labrador and back for The Armed Forces Relief Trust. This isn't his first ride for such a noble cause in 08 he rode to Pruhoe Bay from Key West. Tim Yow endurance and adventure rider will be Climbing the 10 floors to the SSU studio to talk about his next ride. Setting out soon for an ultimate Coast to Coast to Coast to Coast to Coast endurance. I have to know what makes this guy tick, how his planned for this adventure, and how long does he expect the ride to keep him on the road. Check out his position as he travels on the SSU Friends Traveling page. Check SideStandUp.com for updates. Don't forget to inquire about any discounts when contacting one of our sponsors let them know you heard about them on SideStand Up