Summary: Tonight's guests for August 3rd 2010 at 7 PM Eastern U.S. Our friend Sam Kloberdanz from Grand Junction BMW / Harley Davidson / KTM is back to get us up to date of what's happening at Colorado's western most full service dealer that's now open Sundays! Director of Advertisng for the BMWMOA Ted Moyer returns. Ted is fresh back from the MOA's national Rally in Redmond OR. and will be letting us know what transpired and we what missed. Ted my even have news where next years rally will be held. Our friend Sam Kloberdanz from Grand Junction BMW / Harley Davidson / KTM is back to get us up to date of what's happening at Colorado's western most full service dealer that's now open Sundays! Mark Kincart of GOAZ is back talking after market lighting for your motorcycle. The Dynamic Duo Chaz and Imre Are back. The boys will be discussing the future of accident avoidance. What's on the horizon that will make the roads safer for the motorcycling community? Technology has made leaps and bounds, and we will cover safety technology that has been not only added to the bikes themselves, but the infrastructure as well. Also, we will touch base on the status of the landmark motorcycle crash study that is underway at the Oklahoma State University. Sean McDermott is bringing Dave Mckay from Grip Twister Tours back to talk off raod riding in the pacific Northwest! What's the long distance riding fund raiser maniac Robert "Hoagy" Carmichael up to now? The most extreme saddle Sore 100) ever? Will he let us in on what he is going to do, or will the silence continue/........tune it to find out for yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep and eye on on www.sidestandup.com for whats new and sponsor discounts.