Haste Podcast: Lethality in D&D Next, Cdistiller, & “What is an RPG?” Sections.

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary:  [Episode 37] Announcements Tonight we're joined by Sersa Victory of Save Versus Death who has recently released the Fourthcore Alphabet and re-released the Fourthcore Armory among many other great projects! Don’t forget that Micah and I are still asking you to tell us fabulous lies about how you got into gaming. Also, you need to get to captioning the latest d20Monkey comic strip, the fate of the goblin strip club depends on it! CDistiller One Page 4e Character Sheet CDistiller is an online character sheet tool for 4e D&D, it manages to cram everything you need onto a single page and acts as a fully functional, interactive character sheet. It's a pretty awesome tool, but did it come a little too late? "What is an RPG" Sections? It seems like almost every RPG rulebook you pick up has a section devoted to "What is a Role Playing Game?". Are these nescessary? A blog post over at Stargazers World asks, Sersa and I discuss the good and the bad of these segments. Lethality in D&D / D&DNext The D&D internet scene was all astir last week with the discussion of character death, save or die mechanics and other buzz regarding lethality in the next iteration of the game. This is a hot button for a lot of people, we weigh in on the topics. How do you feel about save or die and/or character death? Tip Corner Be wary of how you name your characters, we wrote a short blog post as sort of an OP community PSA. Check it out and let us know if you’ve got any tips or tricks we didn't cover. Twitter Question @cdistiller asks: How far in advance do you plot story? Do you 5×5 your villains as you go, or have a novel prepared? Listen to find out! Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |