Haste Podcast: Sneak Attacking in D&DNext, DMDJ iPhone App, One Page Dungeon Contest

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary:  [Episode 40] Announcements The d20Monkey caption contest as well as Micah and I's demands for you to lie to us have come to an end. Winners will be announced soon! DMDJ iPhone App We recently got to check out a pretty cool iPhone app to add a really slick touch of high-definition audio ambiance to your games. DMDJ is an iOS app that is definitely worth your 3$ and has a ton of features, Micah and I discuss the greatness that it beholds! Sneak Attack & Backstab in D&DNext Sneak attacks, and backstabbing was a hot button issue this week as D&DNext discussion as designers proposed an idea to allow all characters to partake in the rogue sacrosanct that is "Backstab". Micah and I discuss, and wholeheartedly disagree with this idea. One Page Dungeon Contest A contest started way back by Phil "The Chatty DM" Menard is still going strong, this years contest wraps up at the end of April. Draw up any dungeon your heart desires and fit it onto one page, and you can win some pretty sweet prizes (including some OP Ascendant time) so be sure to check it out! Tip Corner No matter how you choose to structure your adventure log posts, a summary or short-version is always a good idea. Even if you want the full prose story, when you’re skimming to remember what happened the previous few sessions, having a summary really helps. Twitter Question Catherine on Facebook: PCs managed to kill the campaign nemesis, perhaps too early. Which is better: turn him into a puppet of a greater power, or bring him back to life somehow as a more powerful villain? Listen to find out! Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |