Haste! With guest hosts Joanna and Rob from Standard Action! Season 3, Dwarven Forge, and Generating Character Stats!

Haste - The Official Obsidian Portal Podcast show

Summary: | Episode 78 | Announcements Tonight we're joined by Joanna Gaskell and Rob Hunt of the popular web series Standard Action to talk to them about their Kickstarter for season 3 of Standard Action, among many other things including their Starlit Citadel board game reviews! We had a blast so tune in now so you can too! Topics  Standard Action Season 3 Kickstarter!  I interview Rob and Joanna about their current season of Standard Action as well as the upcoming Season 3 to be funded via Kickstarter. I bug them about their Pathfinder characters, among lots of other fun stuff. Make sure to get out and support their great show, if you're not familiar with it you should go and fix that right after listening to the show! Dwarven Forge Kickstarter Madness It looks like the Dwarven Forge Kickstarter is taking on steam quickly, I'm going to put it right up there in the crazy levels of the Reaper Miniatures kickstarter. If you've always wanted to get some of this awesome dungeon terrain, now is the time! The prices on their Kickstarter definitely beat their typical prices and it looks like there are lots of extra goodies involved too. Rob, Joanna, and I talk about fun nerd toys like dungeon terrain! Freeport for Pathfinder We did a segment on the Freeport Pathfinder supplement that was going on on Kickstarter and while editing I realized the campaign would be over before the show aired. That being said I did omit it from the show. You can still check out the Kickstarter and begin anticipating the book's release early next year! Congrats to Green Ronin & Fiery Dragon on their successful funding! Tip Corner Tonight's tip comes from Rob Hunt of Standard Action, he says to use pipe cleaners as cool terrain and spell bits for your minis. Evard's Black Tentacles has never been so evocative on your gaming table! Twitter Poll @Stormchaser_d20 asks: If you could pick any one method for determining character stats what would it be and why? Listen to find out! Music Credits | Intro: "Prelude" | Outro: "Stande Alone" | by LukHash |