February 13, 2012 Money Wise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: Making It in Full-time Ministry - If you're in full-time ministry, or considering it, you'll likely be living on a modest income.  Howard Dayton and Steve Moore offer vital insights to help you count the costs and prepare spiritually and financially. Next, they answer calls and emails (800-525-7000 or moneywise@compass1.org) about the following: Selling assets before a pending divorce Investing funds from a severance package Renting vs. buying - which is the better choice and what must be considered before buying? Selling an inherited item without harming family relationships Today's resources include the book, "Sound Mind Investing," and other tools and articles you'll find in the RESOURCES section of our website.  Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which help us keep "Money Wise" on-the-air!