February 14, 2012 Money Wise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: Compass Money Map / Destination 3 – Howard Dayton and Steve Moore continue leading you along the journey to True Financial Freedom with a review of the first two destinations and an in-depth look at Destination 3 – increasing your emergency savings and paying off consumer debt. Next, they answer these questions from listeners (800-525-7000 or moneywise@compass1.org): Where do we save extra money from a tax refund? Should we pay off existing student loans before going to seminary? How do we deal with a slow-selling, out-of-state home? Should we roll a Home Equity Line of Credit into the mortgage of our new home? How can I convince my wife to tithe? Is there a rule of thumb for the marketing expenses of a small business? How do we decide the best use of an extra $1,000? Today's resources also include the free Compass Money Map (found in the Resources section of our website) and Howard’s book, “Your Money Map” (also available on audio CD). Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which allow us to keep Money Wise on-the-air!