Taking Care of the Temple; Sober and Healthy

Straight stuff on addictions show

Summary: This week we'll be talking about the importance of diet and fitness to help get back into balance, particularly in early recovery but also as it applies to maintaining quality long term sobriety.  Abuse of any substance can lead to serious nutritional deficiencies and health problems which effect mental function and mood as well as slow the recovery process.  Fortunately, most of these problems are correctable with education, mindfulness and the adoption of some new patterns. On the other side of the coin, addictive behavior tends to bleed into other aspects of our lives, overeating, overspending, over everything, especially around the holidays. Subsequently health can suffer, we get out of balance and it can adversely affect our sobriety.  Join us Sunday night as we talk to Chris A., a nutrition and wellness coach.  Let's look at how taking care of the body can keep you in your right mind.