Lone Ranger – Jailbreaker. 470806.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: The leader of a notorious outlaw gang has been thrown into jail for disturbing the peace. The bandit, Ritter, doesn't stay behind bars for long when his gang come to bust him out. Disguised as a common cowhand, Lone Ranger enters to get more details on the how and why of the arrest and jailbreak. There seems to be big things brewing on the crime scene, but what did the gang break their boss out for? There's a girl, and a gold shipment expected on the next stage coach. A race to rescue both are set out, but a dark secret still lays out of reach of the Lone Ranger. Progress is made, and the girl is rescued, but to catch a crook, Llone Ranger needs to let the outlaws get away with the gold. What kind of trap does he have in mind? He can't afford to make any mistake, or the outlaw gang could end up with hostages, and safely across the border. Get ready for gunplay and action in the thrilling conclusion, and secrets all come out when justice is done.