Bookrageous Episode 52; Adaptations

The Bookrageous Podcast show

Summary: Bookrageous Episode 52; Adaptations Intro Music; Lost Ends by Twinstar What We’re Reading Jenn [1:15] Lawless, Jeff Salane [2:50] Red Doc, Anne Carson [4:00] How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, Mohsin Hamid [6:20] The Human Division, John Scalzi (read-along on Josh [8:50] How to Love Wine, Eric Asimov [13:00] Salt Sugar Fat, Michael Moss [13:55] The Drunken Botanist, Amy Stewart [14:30] One Good Earl Deserves a Lover, Sarah MacLean; digression on romance novels [23:35] Bet Me, Jennifer Crusie Rebecca [25:30] Tampa, Alissa Nutting [32:30] The movie Jenn was trying to remember the name of is Notes on a Scandal [36:20] Out, Natsuo Kirino (via Book Riot: Baddass Female Revenge Thrillers) [38:00] Tiny Beautiful Things, Cheryl Strayed — Intermission; I Still Think of You from Time to Time by Louville — Adaptations [43:20] The Princess Bride, William Goldman [44:15] High Fidelity, Nick Hornby [44:45] Bridget Jones’s Diary, Helen Fielding [46:30] In Her Shoes, Jennifer Wiener [47:00] Nothing Lasts Forever, Roderick Thorp (Die Hard) [48:10] The Hours, Michael Cunningham [48:50] Children of Men, P.D. James [50:00] The Club Dumas, Arturo Perez-Reverte (The Ninth Gate) [51:15] A Prayer for Owen Meany, John Irving (Simon Birch) [52:20] To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee [53:00] Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell [54:35] Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro [56:30] Jenn begs you to put your opinions about the Cloud Atlas movie in our Tumblr ask box! [56:55] The Sparrow, Mary Doria Russell [57:20] The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne [58:00] Austen adaptations [58:35] Watchmen, Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons [59:30] Sin City, Frank Miller [1:01:20] The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins [1:03:00] Harry Potter, JK Rowling [1:04:20] Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko [1:05:05] Modern adaptations: Clueless, 10 Things I Hate About You, Easy A, Great Expectations, O [1:07:50] A Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin [1:10:35] Catch-22, Joseph Heller [1:10:45] Ursula Le Guin [1:11:15] The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien; The Hobbit [1:15:10] The Wheel of Time, Robert Jordan [1:15:40] Angelmaker, Nick Harkaway [1:15:55] The Magicians, Lev Grossman [1:17:00] Video game adaptations: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; Metro 2033; The Witcher; The New Yorker interview with Tom Bissell; Literature’s Greatest Video Games — Outro; Lost Ends by Twinstar — Find Us! Bookrageous on Tumblr, Podbean, Twitter, Facebook, Spotify, and leave us voicemail at 347-855-7323 Find Us Online: Josh, Jenn, Rebecca Bookrageous Book Club Pick: She, by H. Rider Haggard (available at used bookstores and from Project Gutenberg) Get Bookrageous schwag at CafePress Note: Our show book links direct you to WORD, an independent bookstore in Brooklyn. If you click through and buy the book, we will get a small affiliate payment. We won't be making any money off any book sales -- any payments go into hosting fees for the Bookrageous podcast, or other Bookrageous projects. We promise.