St. Therese of Carmel 31 March 2013 Easter Sunday 9am Mass

St. Therese of Carmel Podcasts show

Summary: recording Gathering:  # 790 Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Psalm: This Is The Day The Lord Has Made Preparation: # 439 Christ The Lord Has Risen Today Communion: Lord Throughout These Forty Days Communion: # 459 The Strife Is Over Meditation # 458 This Is The Feast Of Victory Closing:  # 457 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, then Hallelujah Chorus Father Frank Pugliese was the presider, assisted by Deacon John Fanelle. The 9am Choir sang. Easter Sunday The homily was about those who encountered the risen Christ at the tomb. Father Frank focused on the Gospel of John, and the contrast between Peter and John seeing the same thing, yet coming to believe in different ways.