Mind Set Daily - March 29, 2013

Mind Set Daily show

Summary: Topic covered on today's episode of Mind Set Daily "FBI Wants To Spy On Your Online Chats As They Happen" "Is this conversation unencrypted?" is going to be the new "Are you wearing a wire?" Right now, the FBI can obtain electronic communications after the fact, but if they could snoop on people discussing illegal activity in a chat, they could catch criminals in the act. To catch up to all that technology, the FBI is working with other members of the intelligence community to propose new legal snooping rules by the end of the year. Protocols for off-the-record chats already exist, and will ensure that conversations remain only between known parties, without someone else eavesdropping. What's this mean? Expect me in five years to be talking about how the FBI wants a legal backdoor around encrypted conversations. Oh, wait... Just think about it. To find out more listen to this episode here! Link: FBI Wants To Spy On Your Online Chats As They Happen Support Mind Set Central Suscribe or donate